The Unapologetic Mathematician

Mathematics for the interested outsider

The Divergence Theorem

I’ve been really busy with other projects — and work — of late, but I think we can get started again. We left off right after defining hypersurface integrals, which puts us in position to prove the divergence theorem.

So, let S be a hypersurface with dimension n-1 in an n-manifold M, and let F be a vector field on some region containing S, so we can define the hypersurface integral

\displaystyle\int\limits_SF\cdot dS

And if F corresponds to a 1-form \alpha, we can write this as


where \omega_S is the oriented volume form of S and *\omega_S is a 1-form that “points perpendicular to” S in M. We take the given inner product and integrate it as a function against the volume form of S itself.

A little juggling lets us rewrite:


where we take our 1-form and flip it around to the “perpendicular” n-1 form *\alpha. Integrating this over S involves projecting against \omega_S, which is basically what the above formula connotes.

Now, let’s say that the surface S is the boundary of some n-dimensional submanifold E of M, and that it’s outward-oriented. That is, we can write S=\partial E. Then our hypersurface integral looks like

\displaystyle\int\limits_{\partial E}*\alpha

Next we’ll jump over to the other end and take the divergence \nabla\cdot F and integrate it over the region E. In terms of the 1-form \alpha, this looks like


But Stokes’ theorem tells us that

\displaystyle\int\limits_{\partial E}*\alpha=\int\limits_E(d*\alpha)

which tells us in our vector field notation that

\displaystyle\int\limits_SF\cdot dS=\int\limits_E\nabla\cdot F\,dV

This is the divergence — or Gauss’, or Gauss–Ostrogradsky — theorem, and it’s yet another special case of Stokes’ theorem.

November 22, 2011 - Posted by | Differential Geometry, Geometry


  1. Yay! You’re back!

    Comment by Joe English | November 22, 2011 | Reply

  2. […] people learn with that name in calculus courses. Ironically, unlike the fundamental theorem and divergence theorem special cases, Stokes’ theorem only works in dimension , where the differential can take us […]

    Pingback by The Classical Stokes Theorem « The Unapologetic Mathematician | November 23, 2011 | Reply

  3. […] what if it was well-defined, enough to take the integral inside the unit sphere at least? Then the divergence theorem tells us that the integral of the divergence through the ball is the same as the integral of the […]

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  4. […] this with the divergence theorem like last time, we conclude that there is no magnetic equivalent of “charge”, or else […]

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  5. […] the divergence theorem tells us that the first term […]

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  6. […] the left-hand sides we can use the divergence theorem, while the right sides can simply be […]

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  7. […] by evaluating it over the solid ball of radius and taking the limit as goes off to infinity. The divergence theorem says we can […]

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  8. […] can pull the same sort of trick last time to make the second integral go away; use the divergence theorem to convert […]

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