The Unapologetic Mathematician

Mathematics for the interested outsider

The Category of Representations

Now let’s narrow back in to representations of algebras, and the special case of representations of groups, but with an eye to the categorical interpretation. So, representations are functors. And this immediately leads us to the category of such functors. The objects, recall, are functors, while the morphisms are natural transformations. Now let’s consider what, exactly, a natural transformation consists of in this case.

Let’s say we have representations \rho:A:\rightarrow\hom_\mathbb{F}(V,V) and \sigma:A\rightarrow\hom_\mathbb{F}(W,W). That is, we have functors \rho and \sigma with \rho(*)=V, \sigma(*)=W — where * is the single object of A, when it’s considered as a category — and the given actions on morphisms. We want to consider a natural transformation \phi:\rho\rightarrow\sigma.

Such a natural transformation consists of a list of morphisms indexed by the objects of the category A. But A has only one object: *. Thus we only have one morphism, \phi_*, which we will just call \phi.

Now we must impose the naturality condition. For each arrow a:*\rightarrow * in A we ask that the diagram


commute. That is, we want \phi\circ\rho(a)=\sigma(a)\circ\phi for every algebra element a. We call such a transformation an “intertwiner” of the representations. These intertwiners are the morphisms in the category of \mathbf{Rep}(A) of representations of A. If we want to be more particular about the base field, we might also write \mathbf{Rep}_\mathbb{F}(A).

Here’s another way of putting it. Think of \phi as a “translation” from V to W. If \phi is an isomorphism of vector spaces, for instance, it could be a change of basis. We want to take a transformation from the algebra A and apply it, and we also want to translate. We could first apply the transformation in V, using the representation \rho, and then translate to W. Or we could first translate from V to W and then apply the transformation, now using the representation \sigma. Our condition is that either order gives the same result, no matter which element of A we’re considering.

October 28, 2008 - Posted by | Category theory, Group theory, Representation Theory, Ring theory


  1. […] these representations don’t live in a vacuum. No, they’re just the objects of a whole category of representations. We need to consider the morphisms between representations […]

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  3. […] grading day, another straightforward post. It should come as no surprise that the collection of intertwining maps between any two representations forms a vector […]

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  6. […] of . Then since the symmetrizer and antisymmetrizer are elements of the group algebra , they define intertwiners from to itself. The their images are not just subspaces on which the symmetric group acts nicely, […]

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  7. […] The antisymmetrizer (for today) is an element of the group algebra , and thus defines an intertwiner from to itself. Its image is thus a subrepresentation of acting on […]

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    Comment by Ebrahim | December 7, 2012 | Reply

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